Wednesday 31 December 2008

Bingley Christmas

We had a fantastic time back in the UK for Christmas, catching up with lots of friends and family - shame the time went so quickly! It would be unfair to name names, but a big thankyou to everyone we saw, reminding us that it is our friends and family that we miss the most.
The cottage we rented was ideal and it was great to have Nadine & Philippe with us for the week, but especially Christmas morning after Father Christmas had made his deliveries in the night! Despite being in an unfamiliar kitchen Tine did us proud with a wonderful traditional turkey meal. As usual we were far too full for the pudding!
We didn't manage lots of pub visits but I had to photograph my favourite beer (Landlord) down at the Brown Cow on our last evening.
Happy New Year to all readers. We're off to celebrate with Gill in Brittany.
ps Hope you liked the Christmas Day post which magically appeared! The wonders of the internet, heh?


Anonymous said...

Was a truely fab Christmas. Big bisous and bonne annee to everyone xxx

Anonymous said...

You made our Christmas!! XXXX Love Woody