Monday 15 December 2008

Touring around

Making the most of a fine afternoon, we made good use of Monique's detailed map (merci pour le cadeau encore une fois) once again. So where did it take us?
Firstly to Moricq. We've driven through there many times and I must admit I'd never seen this magnificent tower, not at all far from the road. It served as a look-out during the 100 Years War (we won't say who against, but I haven't had any trouble!) and is a stunning building. We took the 2nd photo for Phil who appreciates the baser things of life!
On to an 'old rock', Le Menhir de la Pierre Couchée, near St Benoist, then a nature reserve at Saint Denis-du Payré, which really shows you how it must have been when all the marshes were water-logged - that's a stork's nest in the distance.
Finally we visited the church at Curzon. Monique had told us about the crypt there, and sure enough there were the wooden doors in the floor. Once opened up the steps led to a beautiful underground room with carvings and pillars - truly remarkable!


Anonymous said...

La Tour de Moricq! What a surprise to open up and see that. Could have told you about it. Some lovely photos again, whatever the weather.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Dave. Never mind painting, your photographs are very arty.
Lovely to see the areas you are visiting.
A&B xx