Monday 28 September 2009

Grapes and a fence

Yes, you can believe your eyes: these are OUR grapes which taste very sweet. We've a much better crop than last year - delicious.

I mentioned last time that Pete had been busy in the garden. Well here is the evidence: fencing all the way down the side which makes the garden look much better. A big thankyou to Pete and Matt for their hard work. Now would anybody like to give us a few tons of good quality earth? The vegetables planted lower down the garden have been less successful this year although we have managed a few smaller pumpkins and not a bad number of courgettes.

1 comment:

cecile said...

C'est ce que l'on appelle la chance des débutants... mais comme tout enseignant qui se respecte, tu dois connaitre, la formule, il faut poursuivre les efforts !!!