Monday 22 February 2010

Exploring the coast

For the first time this year I managed to sit out in the deliciously warm sunshine last Friday whilst Tine was hard at work at one of her lessons. (I did do some gardening later, I should add!)

So next day we decided to pack a picnic and venture to explore the Vendée coast just south of Noirmoutier and very impressed we were. We ended up at Sion-sur-l'Océan where the coast is more rugged with jagged cliffs, caves and rockpools. The first three photos were taken here, the second showing three of 'Les Cinq Pineaux', a remarkable series of stacks.

We drove on to St Jean de Monts for a satisfying coffee on the seafront. Despite its beautiful beach I'm afraid St Jean has a very unattractive high-rise promenade and not my 'tasse de thé'. The statue was obviously modeled on Tine though!

We sauntered back to La Tranche, stopping off at La Sauzaie for more rocks and rockpools (photos 5 & 6) and La Baie de Cayola (photos 7 & 8) where the grey clouds were amassing after such a lovely day.

Perhaps spring really IS on its way...


Nadine said...

Wow, those rocks look amazing! Put this on a future visit 'to do list' :) x

Anonymous said...

Obviously you didn't visit St Jean de Monts village which is much nicer and has a market similar to La Tranche.JAJ

Anonymous said...

edith said get some veg in quick so they will be ready when we come in june