Monday 15 February 2010

Surfers and seabirds

A few photos here of us doing our usual walk along the beach from Pedro's bar (well, where it is in the summer) to le Pavillon and beyond where we spotted all these seabirds. There must have been something very tasty in the water. You can just make out the Ile de Ré across the bay in a couple of the photos.

When we passed the jetty there were quite a number of surfers trying their luck. The ever-changing sky is in full evidence in these photos.


Nadine said...

Does Maman count as a sea bird?

cousine voisine said...

excellentes photos de mieux en mieux !!! voila bientôt un petit job ! Tu devrais faire des propositions comme reporter à la mairie!!! je reviendrais me promener sur ton blog il fait moins froid que sur la plage pour voir ce qu'il se passe à la Tranche
Il faut un courageux!! Tous mes encouragements à +

cousine voisine said...

Excusez les messages redondants, je viens de lire celui de ma fille, les chiens ne font pas des chats!!!
Mais comme quoi les grands esprits se rencontrent ....

Anonymous said...

Third picture = excellent.

Surfers = crazy!

This = filston.