Saturday 24 April 2010

A fishy weekend

After all the excitement of getting Nadine back home safe and sound we ventured up to the Normandy coast to spend a wonderful weekend with cousins Annie & Christian in their new holiday home.
We had several holidays in the area when MN&P were young but it was good to discover Corseulles and spend some quality time with the cousins. Corseulles is an active fishing port where the produce is sold directly on the quayside. So I impressed everyone by eating not one but two fishy meals on Saturday - that's my scallop and crayfish kebab as proof!
Tine disappeared on Sunday morning and returned with the funny owl which now looks most at home in its niche.
Merci A&C pour un weekend superb.

1 comment:

cecile said...

Bravo pour le poisson !!!