Tuesday 17 August 2010

3 go on a road trip

Last Friday, I (Nadine) drove up to Nantes to pick up my lovely friends Jodi and Mouse and we set off on a rather impressive road trip!

Having eaten the incredibly large pain au raisins I'd brought for breakfast, we commenced our 489 mile journey down to Figeac in the Lot; Maman's adopted home town and place of every childhood summer holiday.

We picnic-ed about half way down the route, stopping where we saw a patch of grass. We'd chosen not to pay for toll roads and were really enjoying seeing the true sights of France by driving through all the small towns and pretty areas.

Soon we noticed the landscape change, and the architecture of all the houses and buildings start to alter as we found ourselves heading further south. It's hard to put a finger on when or exactly what happens, but all of a sudden you look around and realise you're 'not in Kansas anymore'.

We arrived in Figeac a little rough around the edges at about 7.30pm. I'd been driving since 8am so I was a little frazzled, but actually it was such an easy and enjoyable drive. We called into Lacapelle on our way into Figeac for a little peek around the chateaux first. We spent many summers camping in Lacapelle so it brought back memories!

As it was our first night, we decided to walk into Figeac from Loulou and Sylvie's for some exploration and to find some grub. We had a couple of aperitifs sat in opposite the Musee de Champolion in the beautiful late evening sun, then found a brasserie for our first French tea.

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