Saturday 21 August 2010

Out and about in the Lot

Once settled in Loulou and Sylvie's house, the three of us spent the next four days exploring the region and having a fantastic time.

On our first full day we headed into Figeac centre to enjoy the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the market. It is a very big and impressive marché with the expected variety of foods, clothing and the strange array of nic nacs you don't seem to ever see anywhere else! My absolute favourite section has to be the fruit and veg stalls under the old original market place, intertwined with local cheese stalls selling 'cabecou'; soon to be Jodi's favourite food stuff of all time, even leading to a request for Loulou and Sylvie to set up a weekly delivery service back to West Yorkshire!
That afternoon we headed up to Capdenac Le Haut, where we used to stay during later summers of my childhood. The views were as breathtaking as ever, perhaps more so viewing it with Jodi and Mouse's new eyes!

Over the next couple of days we visited Saint Cirq Lapopie (entirely based on the claim that it was 'the most beautiful village in France', as seen on the back of a postcard!), Rocamadour and the Foret Des Singes. We swam in the Lot and paddled in the Célé. We ate out twice, once overlooking the Lot on a very pretty balcony and BBQed twice, enjoying wine and tasty local grub on our very own terrace, albeit only a borrowed one!

All in all, what an incredible few days we had exploring the region. I personally enjoyed reliving places from my childhood, and also being able to appreciate the beauty of places I had previously found familiar due to playing at tourists with my friends. I think we would all recommend the region to anyone!

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