Tuesday 25 September 2012

Outdoor life & our little friend

An odd assortment for your delight this time, faithful readers!

Yet another butterfly suspended mid-air (or was it just on the inside of the new conservatory?) - now is it a mellicta, LCA? I can't find the poster!
We've been sanding down the old dresser to go back into the conservatory. Now painted, you'll have to wait for the results!
It looks like Nadine won the pumpkin sibling competition, but the 'black' variety has definitely won overall, another three similar sized sill in the garden!
And here's our little friend Elliot, complete with Yorkshire flat-cap!
Tine's been looking after him one day a week, but July & August off was a long time...
...and now he can crawl and enjoy my CDs!!


Nicole said...

Un Tircis, ton papillon ! J'ai déjà vu çà par ici, et même en Ariège. Je serais bien étonnée qu'il soit britannique.

Anonymous said...

Salut. Non, ce papillon n'est pas trouve en GB.
Et cet ete j'ai vu tres peu de papillons ici a cause du mauvais temps.


Anonymous said...

Salut. Non, ce papillon n'est pas trouve en GB.
Et cet ete j'ai vu tres peu de papillons ici a cause du mauvais temps.