Tuesday 12 February 2013

A very low tide and rescuing the dune

Out and about early this morning on translation duties (well, early for me!) I came back via the beach as I had noticed there were very big and low tides this week. For once there were a FEW other people about, making the most of a dry spell.

The first three photos were taken from le Pavillon...

...showing how empty the bay was,
barriers on the wooden walkway because of the impending high tide...
...and debris from last night's waves.

Onto 'our' beach and somebody must have been reading the blog because I spotted these workers attempting to protect the very fragile dune by transferring sand from the bay.

It looks good but a few big waves would soon wash this away.
Lower down the beach a silhouetted jetty...
...and look how far the tide has gone out!

ps. It's raining again now!

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