Wednesday 20 February 2013


We just got back from a great few days in Morbihan with 'Er from Brittany and I am very pleased to report that we enjoyed near non-stop blue skies! As usual no photos of our hostess (by request/order) but here are some shots of the very picturesque town of Rochefort-en-Terre. The more observant of you might remember a previous post on the town under pouring rain. This time we were luckier!

The wisteria hugging the town hall must be magnificent when in flower!
There are wonderful buildings along the main street

This well had a very gnarled vine protecting it
As you should know by now I like a good stained glass window!


Nadine said...

Looks lovely xx

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how it was warm enough to sit out last Saturday for an apéro. Today there is a fine layer of snow!!
'er in Brittany