Sunday 8 June 2014

The last post

And yes, seven years later I've decided to finish the 'An Englishman in La Tranche' blog. Thank you to EVERYBODY who has read, shared and commented.

In preparing these final photos it reminds me of what a momentous decision it was to move out here but there are no regrets, and the house we fell in love with in 2007 is really Chez Martine & Dave!

The lorry arrives with our belongings. Little did we know there was a weight limit for our road, but the neighbours were happy that the town would have to repair it afterwards!
Perhaps the least changed part of the house. The living room on our first day - there is more furniture now though!
New fireplace & chimney in 2012.
The hallway with Tine's piano...

...and our great coat rack, more good-looking than functional!
We knocked through the guest bedroom to create a corridor to the garage...
...making the guest bedroom smaller.

Several changes later, here's how it looks now
We wanted a three-bedroomed house so our neighbour Jacques came up with plans to convert the garage
New steps to the low-ceilinged mezzanine...

...guarded by Matt, Nad & Phil's Humpty Dumpties!
The East Wing (as we call the former garage) with its hot water tank (and now washing machine) discretely hidden...
...and ready for action,
Phil's uni mates included!
And of course, IKEA units to complete the picture and all my old vinyl records accessible!
A guest shower-room was also made where once there was a dark, pokey garden equipment store.

Shower in place...
...and Matt's home-made digestifs on the window-sill in 2008
Hughie masterminded a garden shed in 2009 with me pretending to help...
...but Tine properly helping, doing her mountain-goat routine!

Stephen organised the dishwasher shortly after moving in...
...but set to on bringing our kitchen into the 21st century

And we still love it!
We hated our bathroom with its Seventies brown....
...but Stephen & co sorted us out in 2012
Love it!
Your faithful blogger in 2009...
...before Tine started her Marcel Marceau impression in 2012

Silv happy in the new conservatory...

...but look what a great job Cockerney Dave did to the walls! 
A surprise cousinade, shortly after moving in
Same spot in 2009, full shutter-painting in progress
But 2013 sees a big change: yes, our little swimming pool begins to take shape

Philippe with Clare & Laura make the most of it (with permission), despite not being finished yet
...but now with new decking all around. Photo taken yesterday!

We've still got projects: display units in the living room, more fencing round the garden, more top-soil to raise the level of the garden,  decorative pebbles to make our lives easier... That's life!

So 638 posts, 48,492 views and 887 comments later, once again thank you and see you on Facebook for updates, and Instagram once Nadine has taught me how to use it!


Kate said...

A very pictorial way to close: such economy of words contrasts greatly with your first blog,bruv. Will miss my fix but c'est la vie. xx

Anonymous said...

I will miss your blog too Dave, having checked it out almost every day since you started. It has been great to follow your projects and day to day living. xx

Nadine said...

A sad day! Lovely last post xx

Anonymous said...

I can understand why you have decided to go out on a high but I will miss the news from La Tranche
'er from Brittany xx

Nicole said...

Horreur ! Mon mentor qui jette l'éponge ! Trahison ! Abandon ! Mon père spirituel ! Au secours ! Help ! Mon maître à bloguer ! Allez donc savoir si les coxigrues reviendront un jour, après cela ? A sad day, tu as bien raison, Nadine. :(
Et un superbe dernier post, au passage, salut l'artiste !

Anonymous said...

So long, and thanks for all the fish. Innit.

edith said...

sob sob ive only just seen this. We knew more about your life in France than we ever did when you were in yorkshire! you are right though as facebook is now so instant. xxxx