Monday 20 July 2015

Les Floralies & Ragondin cycle

As I type this post Nadine, Simon & Alfie are due to fly back in 10 days' time and we are counting the days...

One day we cycled to Les Floralies for Alfie to feed the goats.

Alfie loved giving the goats our home-grown outer cabbage leaves
Some goats are very aggressive...
...but look, their bigger friend will sort them out!
Alfie & Mamie inspect Sacha's tree 

Another day we cycled along 'la route des ragondins', sadly there were very few to be seen

Some of the waterways were totally parched...
...whilst others had a thick layer of 'lentils' (algae) on the surface
Alfie loves riding on the back of the bike
Three typical Vendée landscapes: straight roads...
...and good farming land.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Belles photos, David ! Les paysages sont superbes !