Saturday 15 August 2015

It's a garden one again

Did I see someone yawning in the back row?
I'm sure you're all fascinated to find out how our garden is growing...

Last year Nadine & Simon bought us a passion fruit plant which promptly died on us!
We bought another one then the original came back to life...
...and we have had an excellent display of flowers...
...and fruit this summer.
The pimentos are beginning to blush...
...these photos taken a week apart
Look what happens to the artichoke when left to flower. The bee is appreciating it instead of us!
Suddenly the aubergine plants have started to produce mini-aubergines. Looking forward to sampling before too long.
There are quite a few sweet peppers too
New for 2015? Butternut squash...
...and old favourite, the pumpkin.
Plus we've let some of the bird seed grow into sunflowers. Once again the bees are very appreciative!


Anonymous said...

Only sunflowers, bruv! Nothing more exotic this time? Guessing it's not Asda bird seed 😉

Papaman said...

My comment is: no comment! XX