Thursday 20 August 2015

Natur'Zoo, Mervent (1)

It's a well-known fact that Nad, Si & Alfie are animal mad so on Tine's day off we decided to pack a picnic and head for Natur'Zoo at Mervent in the east of Vendée, a first visit for us all.

These turtles were hilarious, battling for supremacy!
The lemurs were as funny too.. even carrying a baby!
Now who DOESN'T love meerkats?
'Sha la laa, la la la laa, pretty flamingo' (that one's for older bloggists!)
Phil & Alfie enjoyed an after-picnic swing...
...whilst young Alfie loved every second of the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another I'd like to visit, bruv - I 💜 meerkats xx