Sunday 27 September 2015

To the circus!

I can't say I was over-enthusiastic about going to the circus but indeed I DID go, and what a brilliant show it was! Not a sign of mistreated animals, all looking very healthy, and the whole affair was very professional. It took me back to my childhood and Dad taking us to the circus at Belle Vue near Manchester...

What was even better was going with Vanna, Si and their cousins Graham, Cheryl & family, all up for a good time!

One excited little boy (and Alfie was too)!
It was quite a long show but it kept his attention

Regular readers will know how he loves animals...
...but there's just the elephants and camels on show here. No photos of the white lions, llamas and zebras, or the amazing trapeze artists and acrobats.
On the way back we spotted our own wild animal...
...a coypu (ragondin), quite happy to have his photo taken: they're usually very timid.
Another day Simon, your faithful blogger & Graham enjoy yet another pint at La Paillote Happy Hour...
...whilst Vanna insists on a selfie with me!

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