Thursday 1 October 2015

Hotch potch

Now there's a new expression for my French readers - Mr Google tells me it's 'fatras'!

A wonderful memory of summer: Nadine with Alfie & Sacha enjoying splashing in the pool
August in La Tranche, and not a person about except for our intrepid souls...
...but we braved the weather!
Surprise visitors this summer: nephew Rémi, brother-in-law Loulou and cousin Jean at a family party 
Alfie loved a try on Loulou's new motorbike...
...and later we enjoyed the digestifs!
As summer draws to a close one last meal at Fafa's before NSA left (and yes, Alfie ate the lot)!
A little late but Nadine & Simon finally enjoyed their birthday presents from earlier in the year...

...and yes, they loved it! 
One night Tine had been star-gazing, leaving the conservatory door open.  What a shock to find on my way to bed: we had a visitor in the shower!
Time for all the visitors to go home, and for us to get into pre-hibernation mode.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Well, did you eat the frog then ?