Wednesday 16 November 2016

Into September

Each 1st September La Tranche goes into pre-hibernation mode as people go back to work and school. This year the good weather continued and we made the most of it!

The birds gathering on the nearby mast warn us that the summer is ending...
...but nobody told this butterfly.
Our turmeric plant has been as beautiful as ever
...along with the flowering yucca...
...and a second batch of artichokes. Yummy! 
The hanging basket lives on with a couple of additions
Not from our garden but this selection was practically given away at a local market garden
Meanwhile it's 'au-revoir Angela' on the last day at le Camping Baie d'Aunis, Tine giving a helping hand...
...and the sun shines on. Your faithful blogger testing the new hammock.
Nature knows best: the end of the season for crops of corn...
...and sunflowers.

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