Friday 7 December 2018

Walk to Oxenhope & Phil's gig with Lucy

It's almost becoming a tradition, the walk from Bingly to Oxenhope with Mo and Ian. This time no Tine for obvious reasons!

It was a beautiful day and this bus stop caught my eye, just like the one in Royston Vasey (don't worry if that is meaningless to you)!
The beer festival was in the train shed again but we arrived too early and had to wait for our first pint
We had time to appreciate the old steam engines though!
A water tower like on our model railway when we were young!
The train from Oxenhope to Keighley, half price to old age codgers with a bus pass!

 We were very excited to go to Nottingham to watch Philippe in Lucy Spraggan's backing band

Proud parents, sister & girlfriend all there to witness the concert
I hope I'm not in trouble for 'borrowing' this photo from the official photographer. Thank you anyway!
The full line-up with Lucy, the band and the back-up crew. What an amazing night! 

And if you'd like a look at the tour bus...

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