Wednesday 1 May 2019

Morgat & la Pointe de Dinan

Just a short car journey later we visited Morgat. There were plenty of preparations taking place for the impending summer season but we managed to avoid the roadworks and park up before exploring.

The tide was low and the sea a beautiful turquoise...
...with brightly painted house fronts overlooking the bay.
There wasn't much activity in the harbour...
...but I imagine in summer it will be a different tale.
Alongside the harbour we found a huge truck, the tyres about the same height as Tine!
We weren't the only ones there though: Mr Seagull...
...and Mr Cormorant, drying his wings.
Later, la Pointe de Dinan...
...with its magnificent views.

Sorry about the wait: yet another trip back to Yorkshire held up proceedings!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Fake weather ! Ce n'est pas possible ! Où sont passées nos chères légendes sur le temps de Bretagne ?