Tuesday 11 June 2019

First day back in Yorkshire

It's always good to be back at our château on the moors, and even better this time as Les came to stay for a couple of nights!

Kate joined us for morning coffee down in Saltaire. No Don't Tell Titus this time as they didn't allow Bonnie the dog in!
As you know I can't resist a good reflexion shot...
...of Salts Mill alongside the Leeds Liverpool Canal...
...or Roberts Park, just over the River Aire.
Blossom trees were in full bloom in the park...
...but Sir Titus Salt and his alpaca stayed stony-faced.
The park cricket pitch was being prepared...
...with an action shot a couple of days later.
We took Les up onto the moors behind Crook Farm...

...with its wonderful view of Saltaire village, nestling in the valley below.

1 comment:

edith said...

Betty is trying to catch up with big brother. wish we had been on the hill when you came to visit!