Wednesday 26 February 2020

Another odds & ends

Well, you know how it is, there are always a few photos that don't fit any theme.

Big Dave busy installing Dick & June's new kitchen in their La Tranche second home
A couple of days later, a full English breakfast courtesy of Big Dave. You can invite me again, sir!
Le Forge is the restaurant next to the Starfish and we helped to celebrate their last night of  their 2019 season with Cynthia & Sacha (Matt working of course)
Little Marilou thematically dressed like Sacha and totally transfixed by him!
As you can see, it was a popular venue that night

A few shots on my daily walks, these times inland...

...complete with rainbow...
...grasses in the wind...
...and new cycle path bridge near the aerodrome.
Mustn't forget the wildlife: an elegant swan on the ragondin walk
Foie gras anyone? 
Plus a horse in spotted pyjamas It gets cold in La Tranche out of season.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Bizarre, ton cheval-coccinelle !