Monday 17 February 2020

Beach walks

Since joining the Fitbit gang I have been somewhat obsessed with walking my 10,000 steps each day. I have to say I'm pretty successful when at home in La Tranche, but who wouldn't be when the weather's good and the beaches are 10 minutes away?

It's 20th October (happy birthday, sis) and sunrise isn't too early... 
...but shadows are long!
Further round the bay to 'our' beach and a view of l'embarcadère... 
...and further still looking towards le Pavillon.
A few days later and there's an equally beautiful sunset
Some days Tine accompanies me...
...especially when there's a very high tide to witness.

Very high tide means very low tide too. Can you spot the people doing 'pêche à pied' (collecting their seafood starters) from the rock pools?
Those of you with good eyesight might make out the 'bouchôts' where mussels are farmed and harvested in the local tradition

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