Saturday 30 May 2020

Chez Guy & Isabelle and a stroll at St Vincent-sur-Jard

It's always good to be asked round for a meal. Little did we know it would be our last invitation for a while!

We were invited round to eat at Guy & Isabelle's (before the lockdown, of course)...
...and were treated to fabulous food as always.

We also enjoyed great company: Guy & Tine...
...Tine & Nick...
...and your faithful blogger with Sue.

I'd just had my second cataract operation the day before, hence the no glasses!

A few days later and it's back to walking on the beach, spotting migrating geese flying overhead

Further up the coast at St Vincent sur Jard the birds are congregating...
...but ready to fly off at the drop of a hat.

To finish: a pair of surfers chancing their luck

1 comment:

Nicole said...

J'aime les oiseaux de passage. Il y a une chanson de Brassens qui s'appelle comme ça :)