Wednesday 2 December 2020

Mussel farming and old stones

Starting with three photos I took a few weeks ago: the mussel beds at the end of my regular walk

And here's a video from 'Le Pays Malouin' which explains how the seafood is harvested. The video is from La Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel but it's the same method used in our area. (

'Er from Brittany came for a surprise visit (more about this next time) and she & I went on a menhir/dolmen hunt, as you do.

Le Menhir du Camp de César, height 7m, the tallest in Vendée

One of les Dolmens de Savatole

Le Dolmen de Frébouchère being held up by a very strong ancient Brit

Some standing stones are less accessible: in the middle of this field there's le Menhir des Ouches

Finally le Dolmen de la Cour du Breuil right by the roadside...

...and with a good view of the maize field behind.

'Er from Brittany? As camera-shy as ever!

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