Saturday 24 April 2021

Walks out with friends

Isabelle doesn’t work Fridays and Maryse & Yves were on holidays from work so we happily said yes when asked if we were up for a cycle ride and picnic on la Plage des Chardons, exactly on our 10km limit at La Faute.

On arrival we find a good choice of beaches...

...with very few other people around. Here Maryse is posing with an eco-bin behind, there for visitors to deposit beach debris.

Five out of six ain’t bad, your faithful blogger behind the lens.

Another day we continue the ragondin walk (not seeing any though)...

...Maryse & I dawdling behind the professionals!

Yet another day and this time a walk near Longeville...

...complete with very strange and rather large butterfly/moth. There’s nothing to show its size but its wingspan was nearly 10cm/4in.

Thanks to Maryse for several of these photos.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Waouh! Un grand paon de nuit ! Magnifique...
C'est vrai que c'est la taille qui impressionne.