Sunday 4 April 2021

Walk near Longeville-sur-Mer

Cousin Jean-Pierre recommended this walk, near to home but untested by us. It's another winner, especially if you follow the directions correctly!

So, here's the route...

...starting at l'Embarcadère de la Maison des Marais, boats all ready for the upcoming season...

...and mainly following the waterways.

Low bridges warning: mind your heads if boating!

This is where we went wrong, a long way up the wrong track!

Back on the correct route. Can you spot the climbing goat?

This one was totally relaxed behind the gate.

Other creatures in evidence: swans...

...and grazing cows with the wind turbines at Le Bernard in the distance.

I reckon this bridge has seen better days

All this area is reclaimed land, hence the amount of water despite little rain in recent weeks

And to finish, a good old rustic gate. Loved it!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Belle balade ! J'ai aimé le cercle formé par le pont et son reflet.