Tuesday 21 August 2007

Market day

Each Tuesday and Saturday there is a huge market around the church in the centre of La Tranche. It's what most Brits would think of as a typical French market with lots of good quality fruit, veg, cheese and meat (all at a price though). There are also umpteen other stalls selling everything from tablecloths, to sweets, to CDs, to frying pans, etc. The trick is to get up early to avoid the queues. Above is what we found on the kitchen table this morning when we got up, having heard a few clues of cereal clunking into bowls earlier on! Yes P&B actually got up before us!!

Now N&S are preparing for their trip to the market (at 10.30 am) - little does S know that it will be HEAVING by now. I'm sure you could lift your feet off the ground and still be carried along. All I can say is good luck to 'em, and buy us something nice!!!

It is dry this morning and the sun is trying very hard to burn up the cloudcover. We've had a few disappointing and VERY wet days - we didn't leave Yorkshire for this!! I think the forecast is better for the next few days. I hope so as the kids all go back on Friday and we could do with a few more beachful days before then...

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