Saturday 3 November 2007

Picnic in November!

We took Nad up to Nantes today to catch her flight back to East Midlands. We've really enjoyed having her to stay for the week and know it won't be TOO long before she comes again.

We've had a very relaxing week including a shopping trip to La Roche - just browsing, and there's a great Media Store to keep me quiet! We then went to Cécile's for lunch and were lucky to catch all the family as it was Wednesday and the primary schools are closed that day. It looks like Tine will be looking after les enfants every other Wednesday in the New Year as Cécile is about to start up a business in La Roche. They seemed very pleased with Tine's decision!

Nad's cinema trip with Julie and a couple of friends was very enjoyable. They went to see Stardust (dubbed in French) and all gave a positive verdict. They didn't get back until the early hours so it must have been good! Earlier in the week we had eaten chez Nico who is doing great business out of season. Mind you All Saints Day (1st November) is a national holiday in France and most schools have this week off as their Half Term so there have been more people around. More worryingly the effect of ET is making itself felt in France with shops going Hallowe'en mad and 'trick-or-treaters' being seen.
Definitely the highlight of the week was our picnic on the beach by le Phare (lighthouse). We cycled there (as you can see above) and the girls had prepared a feast, including aperitif and a bottle of rosé (and the baguette, of course!) The sun was almost hot and we were able to sunbathe and get on with our books once we had eaten enough! I think these are my favourite times when you can snatch a lovely day out of season...

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