Wednesday 9 April 2008

Garden news

Sorry not to have done a post on the blog for a while - I got too used to my guest bloggists taking over!
We had a wonderful time whilst Nad was with us, not doing anything THAT special but just enjoying ourselves. Nad did get a bit of a tan but we daren't tell her the two days after she left (from Nantes, no change of airport this time!) were scorching - meanwhile our friends back 'home' were enjoying freezing conditions and snow. Is there any justice? Well there must be because since then it has dropped really cold and miserable again, and it rained buckets in the night - hope my French readers enjoy that one....
So, we've been busy in the garden. The cherry tree in the first photo has looked after itself actually. Most of the fruit trees are now in flower so we are looking forward to picking their produce in the Summer. The second photo shows a very welcome lizard scampering over the potato patch - they're just peeping through not long after planting - yeh!! Sadly you can also see the dreaded mare's tail weed ('prêle') in that and the last photo. We're told it's practically impossible to eradicate but we're continuing to fight the fight.
Yesterday Tine told me to come out to look at her latest find and YES, the caulies are flowering - it feels like they're having our babies! I must say they look very healthy and we are proud.


Anonymous said...

Chez moi aussi quand je suis rentrée, des tulipes avaient poussé presque dans mon assiette.
Un GRAND merci à Tine
Je te fais passer tes taies d'oreiller par maman.
Désolée, c'est un message qui n'interressera personne!!
Gros bisous

Anonymous said...

Some serious gardening gone on here
- how long before you start the eating? All the fruit trees in blossom must look lovely. How are you going to manage for watering in the summer?Have you been collecting the downpours in butts?
(another new bit of English)
A bientot, bisous,

Anonymous said...

Hah! actually the last vegetable looks like Dave FROWNING!!.....he he he! Can't get away from the insults that easily old boy!

Hope you guys are keeping well....

