Saturday 26 April 2008

They're never at home...

That's not La Tranche, I can hear you say!
Yes, we've been off on our travels again starting our motorised Tour de France in Paris chez les cousins Christian & Jacqueline. We couldn't have been made more welcome and I know we'll be back. A big thankyou to them. Whilst there we visited Tonton René in hospital (on the mend now) and Tata Colette who we haven't seen in a very long time.
We moved on to Vincennes a couple of days later to await Loulou & Sylvie with Caro & Rems. We were all very excited as the next day we were heading for Disneyland Paris! Not only that but we were meeting Matt and Phil there, direct from a very early rise for their train from Chambéry.
We had a wonderful (if shattering) day as the photos show. Photo 1 is a ghoul disguised as Loulou outside the Haunted House; photo 2 shows all but Tine queueing for Space Mountain - a good way to settle your breakfast! As you can see Tine was in charge of the camera and photo 3 has the rest of us in front of the Pirates of the Caribbean. The last two photos were taken of the parade. The soldiers from Toy Story were AMAZING and the conga drummer had us all laughing with his stare.
A day we'll all remember, but it felt good to get back to Vincennes to get some sleep before the big Alexandre family reunion next day.


Anonymous said...

Yoe sure know how to party!!!(Woody)

Anonymous said...

Who got the yellow jersey?
And what have you done with le beau Loulou?
I'm counting on you being at home next week!
Bisous, LCA.

Anonymous said...

Ah il est beau le cousin Loulou !!!
