Tuesday 7 October 2008

Wet Wet Wet

What a fashion accessory!
I heard it through the grapevine?
What an odd assortment of photos - not scraping the barrel here, of course!
I can't resist the first photo as it has been so wet recently that this haute couture rain mac bought at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival (Scottish flag, gettit?) has come into excellent use, neatly stashed away in Tine's saddle-bags. I'm sure Jim & Les will appreciate this photo!
To remind us of warmer days and blue skies - please be correct, weather-men, they say better from tomorrow - the second photo was taken on the way to Les Sables with Matt the other week. This is what happens to all those fields full of maize. What a crime for lovers of corn-on-the cob! Once they're bone-dry they're cut down and used for fodder.
And finally to prove we're in France some authentic grapes that will one day make beautiful Mareuil wine, the local brew. We found this one field that hadn't been harvested on our way back from Julie & Cedric's the other day.


Anonymous said...

Très 'tendance' n'est-ce pas? Eat your heart out Yves St Laurent et Cie!!
Le mannequin de l'année

Anonymous said...

Je ne sais pas si Jim et Les vont apprécier mais ce qui est sur c'est que moi oui et j'ai bien

Anonymous said...

Looking Glam in the latest Scottish fashion accessory that no woman should be without!! Ah -- happy memories x J and L