Saturday 8 November 2008

Autumn growth

For someone who loves mushrooms I am not very confident picking wild ones, always fearful that they could be poisonous. Last week cousin Jean gave us some wonderful mushrooms that he, Léa and Mathys had picked in the campsite. It certainly is the season at the moment as it has been so wet (we have felt like we're back in the UK!)

The first photo is one that Nicole took on our walk in the Longeville Forest. It looks beautiful, but would you eat it? See what I mean? The next two photos were taken in the campsite when we went on a hunt for pine cones (great for starting the fire). One pine cone had its own mushrooms growing out of it, and the other mushrooms were about 5 inches (12.5 cm) in diameter, with a bright yellow underneath. Amazing!

Back at home we've brought in the lemon tree that Matt's mates Martin & Joel bought for us this Summer when they lodged in the 'East Wing'. There's new leaf growth, blossom and lemons all at the same time! The one in the photo looks ready to pick, so maybe soon it will accompany one of Tine's G&Ts (well a slice at least)!


Anonymous said...

Good blogging recently! Love the funny mushroom face on that pine cone... Looks like the kind of thing Phil would do :) Bisous to you both. Bonjour a Cecile de loin. On se verra la prochain fois!x

Anonymous said...

Je confirme que les enfants ont ramassé les champignons. Léa qui ne les appréciait que modéremment, devient une fan des champignons. Et j'ai droit régulièrement au refrain: Ceux de papi, ils sont meilleurs...
Petit clin d'oeil à Martine en poisson, je vais faire voir aux enfants qui vont aimer...