Wednesday 8 April 2009

A mixed bag

We've got Nadine with us for nearly two weeks, picking her up from Nantes Airport last Saturday. Now the problem is that, since we moved out here, each time Nad has visited the weather hasn't always been perfect. However we've had quite a sunny couple of days but last night the heavens opened and today is pretty miserable. Fingers crossed for Easter weekend and the rest of her stay.
The photos in this post are a mixed bag. Firstly we have Jean & Pascal pressure washing the campsite swimming pool in readiness for opening at the end of the month. Then we have a fishing boat in the shallow waters near Le Pavillon - we don't often see them in this area. The day after Nadine's arrival we joined hundreds of people in the Gallopade Tranchaise, a 9, 13 or 26 km walk or run through the forest at La Terrière then back along the beach. We really enjoyed getting to know Tine's friends from the gym.
In the afternoon we went to see Jean & Monique and found our little cousins Léa and Mathys (M was very proud to show Tine his school work). They've been spending the week with their grandparents and seem very happy with life by the sea.
Finally yucca plants on the dunes opposite the campsite, preparing to flower before too long. Summer's coming - yeh!!

1 comment:

cecile said...

MArtine j'espère que tu as été attentive au travail de Mathys et à ses exploits... comme faire du vélo sans roulette !!! Nous commencions à desespérer ...