Wednesday 21 October 2015

Signs of autumn

We haven't started hibernating yet so I thought I'd share a few seasonal photos with you.

Big Dave's grapes are magnificent - ours weren't happy at all -
but we've had a good crop of pumpkins and butternut squash.
There are lots of wild mushrooms in the woods at the moment. I still don't trust myself to know what's what.
An early arrival of holly berries - don't they say it's a sign of a hard winter to come?!
You can just make out the bird on the feed: good viewing from the conservatory
What about this splash of colour metres from our house?
There are still many fields of maize/corn ready to be harvested...
...but this farmer's livestock won't go hungry!
Meanwhile we'll keep nice and snug this winter with the annual delivery of logs. Hope we've ordered enough.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Ici aussi le houx a déjà les boules !!! Bientôt Noël en Novembre ?