Friday 29 April 2016

Garden catchup

Don't be fooled by some of these blue sky photos: as I type it's very grey and miserable out there, but who knows what is round the corner?

Yes, we've been readying the garden in anticipation of the summer. Meanwhile nature's been working hard all by herself.

Home-grown cauliflower, and it tasted good! Memories of my Dad winning a prize in a Congleton flower and vegetable show years ago. Sadly I can't find the photo.
A favourite of ours: Swiss chard
At the last count there were seven artichokes hidden away in the artichoke jungle!
The fig tree is in bud. We've had figs these last two years but not good enough to eat. Maybe this year?
Not the prettiest plant but our lemon tree keeps on giving. There are plenty more flowers and baby lemons on their way.
The apple and plum trees are blossoming well

The forsythia is outstanding one more time... is the wisteria, despite being in the shade.
Lots of seeds in our new acquisition. They seem to be taking their time though.
Tine's trying something new with the strawberries, to ward off snails and give the fruit a soft landing.
Hanging basket courtesy of Asda on our last visit...
...and Tine's own assortment.
New for 2016? Fencing and pebbles to tidy up the side of the house nearest the beach.


Anonymous said...

Looking lovely, bruv. The garden, that is!

edith said...

miles ahead of ours. Well done. xxx