Saturday 14 November 2020

Loulou & Caroline visit for a few days

In the old days Loulou & Sylvie used to come to La Tranche for a couple of weeks each summer but since Caro & Rémi have grown up their visits have been less frequent. All the more reason to celebrate when the in-laws are here then!

Caro's becoming more and more confident wind-surfing

Chez Jean & Monique...

...and a socially distanced lunch, along with young Sacha too.

Can you see the excitement on Sacha's face perched on Great Tonton Loulou's motorbike?

There's always time for a drink, here at l'Équipage...

...and a good view of the sea!

Caro wanted mussels one evening but everywhere was too busy or had run out

Success at last, but it was a late dinner...

...not too late for after-drinks at the Starfish though.

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