Friday 21 March 2008

The morning after the night before

Les hi-jacking the blog again!
Bonjour tous le monde et merci beaucoup pour votres comments. Eh bien c'est ma blog finale de La Tranche - have you noticed the impressive bi-lingualism? Well our photos here show two 'mornings after the night before'. The first one shows the result of overnight stormy weather leaving the coastline worryingly further reduced but the workforce are building defences at an incredible rate.
We have seen blue skies and sunshine and dashed out to enjoy it at every opportunity - hence the bike rides, the first for me for nearly 40 years!!! The photos are posted to prove my newly discovered skill tenderly nurtured by Dave while Jim and Tine went off to do le shopping at SuperU. After half a dozen circuits of the carpark I was fit to be allowed onto the cycle paths and eventually the road!!
Our second 'morning after' [ photo 4] shows three of us [ the fourth taking the photo ] after a night enjoying Jean and Monique's warm and delicious hospitality - the 'moonshine' - a local degustation and calvados nightcaps rounding off the evening well, as you may imagine. Many thanks J and M, we hope you enjoyed the hot cross buns.
Well Jim and I can truly recommend a visit to Maison Clegg - good food, good wine and great company - we can't wait for our retirement so that we can do this more often!!


Anonymous said...

Hi again Les,
This bi-lingualism is good init!!!!
Well done with your biking. You all look great whizzing along on your bikes. Glad you had a good holiday. Been nice talking to you.
Regards A & B

Anonymous said...

Wow, very impressive. Well done Les, you truly are a blog natural! Can't wait to board the good ship Maison Clegg very soon... x

Anonymous said...

Joyeuses paques Les enfants ont peché et mangé leurs poissons (Dave aime t'il ce genre de friture ?)