Wednesday 26 March 2008

No, not the detective!

We decided to drive along the valley of the Dordogne for our return journey from AAA's, but I must say it was a little disappointing, not as dramatic as the upper reaches nearer to Tine's home.
However we stopped off in Bergerac (hence the title of this post) and were very impressed with the old town. The statue is of Cyrano de Bergerac, famed for his big nose! The other two photos show how similar the architecture here is to that of Figeac. Despite the overcast day we were pleased to visit and will return one day.
Since our return to La Tranche the weather has been very mixed, one minute beautiful sunshine, next minute a downpour. Hopefully it will improve for Nad's latest stay with us: we're up at the 'crack of dawn' tomorrow to fetch her from the airport. Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

'crack of dawn'? Simon says you don't know you're born... :) x

Anonymous said...

Encore une jolie vieille ville a visiter! Thank you for the travelogue, I've not been there yet.

Bonnes vacances a Nad.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure that we have had a crepe and coffee sat outside one of the cafes in picture 2. We liked Bergerac too. Sandy and Joe's house is at Lacropte, which is about half an hour from Bergerac. A & B xx