Tuesday 18 March 2008

Old friends and a stranded ship

Les is doing this post!
We are here with our dear, dear friends practising for our retirement days. La Tranche is as lovely as ever - a bit breezier than the norm but we did catch the suntrap in the garden this afternoon for our siesta time. We feel really at home particularly as Dave has downloaded Corrie and Match of the Day for us - the latter was to keep Jimmy quiet!! and in addition we were actually recognised and welcomed by Nico - how's that for fame. A real bonus was calling in on Gill and her lovely mum Betty now living in Sulniac [ Brittany ] in her fabulous new abode - the kitchen is the envy of both Tine and I.
As you can see from the photos we have been out and about - the ship beached at Les Sables was an amazing sight - the lunch was even better!! Then we followed the coast back towards La Tranche with jaunts on a couple of contrasting beaches seeing oyster beds and amazing sand sculptures made by the winds - the people camel trail on photo 4 shows the intrepid explorers.
Tine and I are enjoying cooking together again although the fish presented to Dave tonight was not the best example so didn't aid our mission to convert him to the delights of fish!! All recipes welcome.


Anonymous said...

Bonsoir Jim and Les
L'espoir vous appreciez votre jour ferie a La Tranche.
Super pics.
I don't think Dave will ever be converted to fish!!!!
A & B

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping the news going, Les. Glad to see some things don't change (Corrie & footie) but what about the rugby? Bravo les Galois!!
Pleased to see you're having a great time. Bisous a tous, LCA.
Ps - talking fish, is it the season for oysters?

Anonymous said...

Are you a clone , Les, or have you spent far too much time with my bruv!! Your style is identical - very worrying. Have a good un. xx

Anonymous said...

Un petit message pour Nadine, les 27° se sont en allés quand ils ont su que tu allais venir.
Depuis c'est plutot: vent et froid ... bref le temps que tu as habituellement, donc ne te réjouis pas trop vite

Anonymous said...

ce n'est pas juste de tout Cecile. La Tranche Sur Mer me n'aime pas. Ca fait deux etes en suite maintenant qu'il a fait mauvais pendant mes vacances :( pas juste de tout. Je vais prendre mes vacances aux autre pays... xxx